Breastfeeding Positions
When it comes to breastfeeding, being comfortable and being able to get your baby to breast easily are the two things that really count. Learning to breastfeed takes time and practice
for both you and your baby.
Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed and the baby is correctly latched on. This makes your feeding more enjoyable and easy. Try to feed in a chair or bed with a good back support, using cushions or pillows if necessary. Rest your feet on a ottoman or a footstool.
At first, you should experiment with different feeding positions, until you find the one that works for you and your baby. Here are the three most common positions you may want to give it a try.
"Cradle" Hold :
Place your baby across your stomach with face and knees close-in facing your body. Babies head should be in the bend of your elbow; mouth in front of your nipple. Tuck babies lower arm around your waist.
"Cross Cradle" Hold :
Cross Cradle hold is similar to cradle hold except that your baby is lying in the opposite direction, with head in your hand, rather than in crook of your arm. This is a good position when first learning to breastfeed because it gives you good control of your baby's head, which really helps when you are trying to get your nipple in baby's mouth.
"Football " Hold :
This position is easier if you had a C-section delivery as this doesn't put pressure on your incision. Place pillows on your side to support your elbow and your baby's bottom. Tuck the baby into the side of your waist, cradled under your arm. Place baby's head in the palm of your hand at the level of your breast. Support the base of baby's head between your thumb and forefinger.
Lying down Position :
This is also particulary good for moms who had a caesarean devliery or if your bottom is sore after birth. Lie on your side, using a pillow to support your head and neck, and another along your back. You may also want to put a small rolled blanket behind your baby's back. Lay your baby next to you so that the baby's mouth is opposite your nipple. When the baby opens the mouth wide, the baby is ready to latch on.

Make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed and the baby is correctly latched on. This makes your feeding more enjoyable and easy. Try to feed in a chair or bed with a good back support, using cushions or pillows if necessary. Rest your feet on a ottoman or a footstool.
At first, you should experiment with different feeding positions, until you find the one that works for you and your baby. Here are the three most common positions you may want to give it a try.
"Cradle" Hold :
Place your baby across your stomach with face and knees close-in facing your body. Babies head should be in the bend of your elbow; mouth in front of your nipple. Tuck babies lower arm around your waist.
"Cross Cradle" Hold :
Cross Cradle hold is similar to cradle hold except that your baby is lying in the opposite direction, with head in your hand, rather than in crook of your arm. This is a good position when first learning to breastfeed because it gives you good control of your baby's head, which really helps when you are trying to get your nipple in baby's mouth.
"Football " Hold :
This position is easier if you had a C-section delivery as this doesn't put pressure on your incision. Place pillows on your side to support your elbow and your baby's bottom. Tuck the baby into the side of your waist, cradled under your arm. Place baby's head in the palm of your hand at the level of your breast. Support the base of baby's head between your thumb and forefinger.
Lying down Position :
This is also particulary good for moms who had a caesarean devliery or if your bottom is sore after birth. Lie on your side, using a pillow to support your head and neck, and another along your back. You may also want to put a small rolled blanket behind your baby's back. Lay your baby next to you so that the baby's mouth is opposite your nipple. When the baby opens the mouth wide, the baby is ready to latch on.

Hope these breat feeding tips were helpful.
I'm glad I'm done with breastfeeding both my kids!
Thanks fr visiting my blog... hope 2 c u around more often!
//I'm glad I'm done with breastfeeding both my kids!
me 2 , but just one kid
//Thanks fr visiting my blog...
You are welcome.
//hope 2 c u around more often!
Sure !
explanation of all the positions with picture was very helpful indeed.