Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash :
The baby's skin is softer and smoother when born, but can be very sensitive, As the diapers rub against the body, they can sometimes cause redness or skin irritation. The rash can cause blisters and small red patches in and around the diaper area. Don't panic if you notice your baby's bottom is suddenly red and irritated and he cries nonstop for diaper change. Having a diaper rash is normal but the parents can take extra care in limiting the amount of rash.
What causes diaper rash ? Diapers or Parents ?
Babies have ultra sensitive skin, as you cover the bottom with diaper which rubs back and forth along with the moisture of the urine and stools causes diaper rash. This irritated skin is also susceptible to the invasion of bacteria and yeast which can make the rash even worse. Diaper rash can always be minimized by changing the diapers frequently. Parents also have a part in causing the rash by not changing their baby's dirty diaper right away.
More than 60% of parents have argument in taking turns for changing diapers. Nowadays some dads are ready to lend a helping hand by changing the diapers, there are still some who pass the baby to the moms pretending as if they didnt notice the poopy diapers. Diaper changes are boring and smelly, but when it comes to your baby's health and skin, we got to do it whether we want to or not.
Here are some preventive measures to fight the diaper rash.
1.Change diapers frequently.
Some babies cry for wet diapers, some don't. Don't wait for them to signal you, change their diapers especially for newborns every 2 to 3 hours.
2.Change poopy diapers immediately. Poopy diapers are worser than wet ones.
3. Try different brands of diapers .
Some babies are allergical to some brands of diapers, keep changing the brands and select the one that does'nt give your baby any rash.
4. Use unscented wipes or just plain water.
For the first few months, it is advisable to use the paper towel soaked with plain warm water to wipe the diaper area. Or you can even try unscented wipes.
As the baby grows, you can always switch to scented wipes. Using a squirt bottle to clean without rubbing can also help.
5. Diaper Rash cream
Always apply the petroleum ointment(Vaseline petroleum jelly) in each diaper change.
And if you see even slight redness, you got to apply the diaper rash ointment. You have many good ones in the market like balmex, Destin, A&D ointment, Boudreaux's Butt Paste.
6. Clean the diaper area well
Changing the diaper especially during the night can be awful. Some parents take extra care in not losing their sleep by just closing their eyes and changing the diaper. It's the nose they have to block not the eyes. They forget that it is important to wipe all the stool and urine away from the diaper area to prevent the diaper rash.
7. Cloth diapers
Rinse cloth diaper by adding half cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. This removes all alkaline irritants.
8. Remove the diaper, apply diaper rash cream, spread out some absorbent sheets and place the baby for a while, and let the air pass through the bottom. You can have this as a daily routine atleast till they are 6 months old.
9. Finally, Better get your kid potty trained as soon as possible. This is the only way to prevent the diaper rash 100%.
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