Breastfeeding tips ~ Understanding and caring babies at all stages

Understanding and caring babies at all stages

Enjoy the complete baby experience

More About Me...

As a mom of a 2 yr old girl, I've been through those tough times with questions all my blood cells. If carrying the baby was one hell of a task, caring the baby is not any different. But when you look at that one cute smile of your baby's, the misseries simply become passing clouds. Stay tuned with babnybaby to enjoy the complete baby experience. Good luck to all the mom-to-be's and dad-to-be's out there. -- Kavya

Breastfeeding tips

A few breastfeeding tips for a new mom :

  • Nurse as soon as possible after your baby's birth.
  • Establish proper latchon. This will eliminate much of the pain and soreness associated with breastfeeding.
  • Avoid artificial nipples.
  • Donot restrict the frequency or length of breastfeeding.
  • Sleep when your baby sleeps.
  • Have a glass of cold water or juice everytime you site down to nurse, this will make sure you drink enough fluids.
  • Avoid bras and tight-fitting clothing in the first few weeks of birth if you have sore nipples.
  • Shop for a good nursing pillow to support you and your baby while breastfeeding.
  • If you experience pain during breastfeeding, don't hesitate to seek help from your doctor or a lactation consultant.

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  1. Isha said...

    thanks for dropping by.. i cant actually access your other blog's font.. it just shows up with a lot of questionmarks in firefox :)

  2. Vijayasri said...

    Isha, I think you don't have the tamil font installed. Try to install it and you will be able to enjoy my blog.

  3. Sharda said...

    Kavya,you have so much knowledge about babies.Are you a pediatric?

    I have a question ,for how long can a pumped breast milk be fed to a child?Should you keep that milk in the fridge or just outside?

  4. Vijayasri said...

    @sm : Nope ! Just a mom of a 10 month old :) Don't store your pumped milk outside, store either in refrigerator or freezer.
    You can use your pumped breastmilk within 24 hours if stored in refrigerator , upto 1 month in freezer. Lemme write a post specifically on this soon.

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