Yogurt treats diarrhea ~ Understanding and caring babies at all stages

Understanding and caring babies at all stages

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As a mom of a 2 yr old girl, I've been through those tough times with questions all my blood cells. If carrying the baby was one hell of a task, caring the baby is not any different. But when you look at that one cute smile of your baby's, the misseries simply become passing clouds. Stay tuned with babnybaby to enjoy the complete baby experience. Good luck to all the mom-to-be's and dad-to-be's out there. -- Kavya

Yogurt treats diarrhea

Conventional wisdom says that there is no effective treatment for most infectious diarrhea: some medicines may relieve symptoms, but they don’t help the child to get over the infection faster. Not so! Yogurt treats diarrhea if it's the right kind, that has 'active cultures' or 'lactobacillus', a good bacteria that the digestive system uses to abosorb food. (poor absorption is what causes diarrhea).

The April 2002 issue of Pediatrics contains a meta-analysis of eleven separate, well-designed scientific studies of treating diarrhea with Lactobacillus (the beneficial bacteria found in yogurt). The pooled results are impressive. Eating Lactobacillus- containing food such as yogurt, or taking Lactobacillus supplements (10 billion colony forming units over 48 hours), does treat diarrhea and is safe. Yogurt also helps if your baby is on antibiotics which may cause loose stools.

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