Why do babies cry ?
crying baby.
Here are some reasons for a baby's cry :
Baby is hungry or thirsty : Try feeding your baby a bottle of warm milk or formula
Baby needs a diaper :Check your baby's diaper for any wetness
Baby is too warm or too cold : Make sure your baby's attire is appropriate for the weather
Baby is overtired or missed a regular nap : Try rocking your baby to sleep
Baby feels scared or bored : Try making eye contact with your baby and try playing games like peekaboo, or read any story.
Baby is teething : Try giving a teething ring or any chewable food.
Baby is colicky or needs to be burped : Place your baby over your shoulder and gently rub or pat your baby's back.
Sometimes babies need a great deal of cuddling and reassurance. They need physical contact for comfort. If you have fed and changed your baby, you may find that she cries because simply wants to be held.
If you have tried all the above and still your baby keeps crying constantly, Don't feel frustrated and blame yourselves that you are incapable of calming down your baby. That's not the case. If you know that your baby's needs have been met, that there is nothing physically wrong causing your baby to cry, you have tried everything you can do to calm her, but nothing's worked, then it's time to take care of yourself so that you don't become overwhelmed.
Take deep breaths, relax hearing any music, give yourself a break and let someonelese take over for a while. Remind yourself it's just a phase and it will pass. Being the parent of a newborn who cries a great deal is a harder work, get help and support and take comfort of the fact that each day as your baby grows, she learns new ways of being able to communicate her needs to you. Gradually, as she does so, her crying will stop.
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