Smoking while nursing ~ Understanding and caring babies at all stages

Understanding and caring babies at all stages

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As a mom of a 2 yr old girl, I've been through those tough times with questions all my blood cells. If carrying the baby was one hell of a task, caring the baby is not any different. But when you look at that one cute smile of your baby's, the misseries simply become passing clouds. Stay tuned with babnybaby to enjoy the complete baby experience. Good luck to all the mom-to-be's and dad-to-be's out there. -- Kavya

Smoking while nursing

A lot of mothers try hard to give up on smoking when they are pregnant just to reduce the harmful effects for the fetus. But once the baby is born, they are eager to return to the habit.

Unfortunately quiting cigarettes after the baby is born may be hard as along with this new bundle of joy also comes postpartum depression, baby blues, and guaranteed exhaustion and stress. These new demands can lead many women to desire to pick up the habit again, even if they managed to quit previously. Babies exposed to cigarette smoke may experience more colds, lung problems, and ear infections. Woman should not smoke while breast feeding because the chemicals in cigarette smoke can enter the breast milk.

Researchers tested the urine of two-week old infants for levels of cotinine, the form of nicotine when it is broken down in the body. Extremely high levels of cotinine were found in infants that were breastfed by mothers who also smoke. The levels were so high in the infants's urine, it was almost as high as an adult who smokes nearly 20 cigarettes a day which is quite frightening.

Nicotine is a dangerous drug and women who smoke while breastfeeding or may subject their baby to the risk of ear infections, colic crying, chronic depression, SIDS. Studies suggest it may cause destruction of brain cells and even decrease your child's ability to learn or memorize.

Not only breastfeeding while smoking but also second hand smoking for the baby can also cause respiratory problems . Infact those parents who smoke with the baby are infact creating a child that is predetermined to be addicted to cigarettes and smoking.

Another recent study discovered that children exposed to second-hand smoke in the home are more likely to take up smoking.

Mothers need to understand the potential risks of resuming smoking after pregnancy . Breastfeeding your baby is good but Smoking is bad. Don't combine the two. Smoking is an anxiety-related activity. Encourage yourselves to find other ways to reduce stress.

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