Baby Talk

Most of the adults are not comfortable talking to babies , they don't know what to say. Babies love interaction , The fact is babies do not need baby talk,it is better for them to be talked like adults. This paves the way for their future language skills.
For people who don't know what to say to babies - here are few suggestions :
- Interact with your baby giving a detailed account of what you are doing, while you are doing it. ( say for eg: "when you are going for a walk with the baby, point out things you see on the way like flowers, leaves to them and tell them what they are. e.g. look at the pretty flowers - as you show them the flowers.) Even if you think that they are too young to understand what you are saying - they will start to associate words with situations and things & will soon start trying to pronounce them.
- Recite him the nursery rhymes you remember from your childhood or sing a song. Babies don't know the mistakes you make while singing but definitely loves the sing tone of your voice.
- If you are busy cooking in the kitchen, you can tell out the recipes of the dish you are making , you might look like a fool to others but does'nt matter. Your baby is enjoying, that's what you want.
- If you are away from the baby during the day, share him the events of your day , read him a story in the night.
Talk anything but keep talking. That's your goal .
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