Trimming Baby Nails ~ Understanding and caring babies at all stages

Understanding and caring babies at all stages

Enjoy the complete baby experience

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As a mom of a 2 yr old girl, I've been through those tough times with questions all my blood cells. If carrying the baby was one hell of a task, caring the baby is not any different. But when you look at that one cute smile of your baby's, the misseries simply become passing clouds. Stay tuned with babnybaby to enjoy the complete baby experience. Good luck to all the mom-to-be's and dad-to-be's out there. -- Kavya

Trimming Baby Nails

Though trimming those tiny little baby nails is a bit unnerving especially at first, it's important to keep your baby nails short for their safety.

Cut your baby nails :

  • With baby nail clipper which comes with rounded tips for safety.
  • When your baby is asleep.
  • After a bath as the nails become softer
  • If you are a bit hesitant to use nail clippers, you can use Emery boards to remove the sharpness of the nails.

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  1. G3 said...

    Useful tips :)

  2. ramya said...

    nanna sonnenga ...en akka paiyan enna keezchinde irukkan...modhala idha seiren...

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